Fulfillment knowledge
Web application development and enterprise resource planning

B.PRO and B.PRO Professional, leading suppliers of high-quality household sinks and kitchen faucets and B2B solutions for catering systems, medical care and industrial, respectively, have outsourced the complete fulfillment in the areas of warehousing and shipping of printed matter and advertising materials. It should be possible for the customer's employees to view the article stocks, orders, quotas, subsequent deliveries and availabilities in real time at any time. B.PRO was looking for an experienced fulfillment partner with its own IT expertise to implement this.
Our performance In close cooperation, LANG Industrie Dienst developed a web application that allows the customer to control and monitor all logistical processes. As before, the shipping orders are recorded in SAP at B.PRO and transferred to the merchandise management system via an iDoc interface. The newly developed web application makes it possible to track the entire progress of a shipping order. The tracking information of the CEP service provider is also transferred to the web application. This means that shipments can be tracked directly from the application to the recipient at the click of a mouse.
Result Thanks to the close integration of the web application with the customer's workflow, the individual costs such as handling, postage/freight, etc. can now be determined for each order in accordance with the expenditure and charged to the respective cost centers within B.PRO. For foreign shipments, the necessary shipping documents are generated directly from our merchandise management system. Furthermore, the web application allows a quota allocation of the individual articles as required. Our fulfillment service is billed fully automatically using stored pick price scales. For the first time, B.PRO and B.PRO Professional have complete transparency. In the stock levels, in the ordering process, in the shipment tracking, right up to the cost center-specific billing.